
take a breath and take it easy

just talked to a friend who was ready to blow up.
boss has been driving my friend crazy
unprofessional, micro-managing, disrespectful are few words to kick-off a long list...
as i first listened, i too became frustrated..
on a second thought, why be angry?
challenges build character...


join me in the next half-marathon?

hehe...just signed up for the Vancouver Scotia Bank half marathon
june 28/09 is race day.
runners begin at UBC and end at Stanley Park
training to start in a week.
looking fwd to a new personal best haha


drumroll pls! a vital badminton match is coming up!

couldn't believe what i heard from mom during our car ride home today,
"your dad claims that he can outplay you in any badminton game"
hmmm....pretty bold statement for him to take
after all i think he has yet to LOCATE his racquet. haha...


time will testify of this.
today's sermon title has spoken to me.
i believe in Him
i believe in His promise
i believe in His power
i believe in His timing
do not doubt just believe!


awards, anybody?

just finished watching tvb's presentation awards
all involved awaited with anticipation
final winners relay their speech on stage
tears run off the faucet
i'm touched and encouraged
for i believe behind each tear was a long journey
one of ups and down, one of continuous battle
success does not come without effort
success only knocks on the door of those who try =)


hot dog + pop

it didn't have to be expensive..
GRAND TOTAL came up to $1.99
no i'm not raving about the hot dog nor its price
i crave the time spent w/ my friend
our walk
our chat
life is beautiful
and all the more when you begin to appreciate its simplicity
thanks Jennifer!


came out of our shells...

day 2 of my presentation training...
more speaking, more taping, more review.
i see changes in my delivery
i witness transformations in all my fellow speakers
our message hasn't been as impacting as Barack Obama
or as powerful as Chuck Swindoll
but we did great
we were each able to come out...
of our own shell!



two simple replies... two which i didn't expect coming
i am thankful for the changes and changes to come in this friend's life
add oil, don't give up - the race has yet begun!
i will be cheering you up!!


my name is Mimi //CHAN//

yup this was how we were told to introduce ourselves... first name pause then big emphasis on last name...and all this caught on tape... yup on camera all day - relieved that day one of my presentation training is now over *written with much relief*
2 min to think about what to present
30 second quick rehearsal
then came our 4 min presentations with a 2 min Q&A
repeated this three times throughout the day..
talk about been placed out of my comfort level

the more i think about this
the more i am glad that not all our communication needs to be carried out this way to be systematic...
which is more important? the heart? or the words expressed?
no doubt that the message needs to be delivered...
at what cost though?


appearance is deceiving

haha... went out with a friend last night for drinks
never thought i will be hearing what i heard
the news truly amused me 
i'm glad to be part this friend's life journey
go pal, take your courage out and be bold.
happiness is yours and we'll rejoice along!