
friends & family

friends and family i always cherish
happy to know that my brother's gf will be spending the next month with us
it's great to see how he couldn't be contained by the good news.
as for me, i'm glad to share his happiness but at the expense of giving up my "private hut".


night before snow storm

heard about the upcoming snow storm earlier today
hmm...22-25 cm of snow to come down on vancouver soil
i'm thinking about all the homeless people who are out in the cold
the drivers who are on the road
my family and friends who are yet to reach home

Dear heavenly father,
may your hands protect all who are amidst the cold...
provide warmth to those who have no shelter... and
keep my family and friends from any harm.

a happy "birthday"

received many b-day wishes today.
some came from sms, others from facebook, phone calls, or face-to-face
each meant to me because it is an expression of their love
thank-you for the great friends & family i have!
i understand why the attendant at the gas station asked, "did you win the lottery today - you look really happy?"
i first paused at the question because he's asking someone who doesn't believe in the lottery system.
then i laughed over it because i realized why he made the remark.
this glow is not about money
it is about truly being in a state of happiness!


the splendor of his creation

having spent most of my childhood in mtl...
the sight of pure whiteness has been long foreign
i marvel at how each tree is serene
and blanketed in its new duvet
all is peaceful [aside from the commute]


this arctic weather

felt like living in the ice age this morning...
waited 20 min at the bus stop and learned that buses won't come down
walked up the steep "hill" and was on my way to work... a hassle but made it through

really not used to the the cool crisp air (those who know me know much i detest cold weather)
not used to my puffy jacket
not used to the new "ice rink" side roads...

but no more complaints;
i am thankful for what i have;
i have a heated hut which warms me up
i have a great family which welcomes me
i have dinner which awaits me


to all mothers: you are amazing

commuted by bus today in light of the snowy/icy weather.
on my way home was a 2-yr old (?) girl who kept playing with the seat,
shrieking as loud as she could, jumping up and down the rest of the time.
the mother seemed unbothered - too accustomed to the situation.
there i was feeling very sorry for her.
as i watched, i begin to ponder... how all my misbehaviours must have added to my mom's load
Mom: "thanks for taking all my crap [no pun intended here]!

it's far from mother's day but why wait until the next one?
mothers won't withhold the love they give until our next birthday!


time tells...

the more i realize the more i see the constraints
the more i discover the more i am convinced

Father in Heaven,
thank-you for all you have done for me;
thank-you for all the angels you've sent along;
thank-you for handling it from above
your grace is sufficient for me.


new life

went to visit a dear friend's newborn.
the baby girl weighing in 7 lb 10 oz is sound and healthy
great to see mother and daughter well
may this gift of God bring blessings to the family.





*parking needs GREAT patience*

parking in richmond was truly a practice of patience.
esp. this afternoon.
after at least 5 min of driving around...
i came to a father & son heading toward their car
the father signaled of his departure
i flashed my left signal light and awaited to rear-end park
to my dismay - the black "golf" ignored my presence and parked...
how rude of the driver!!! really felt like getting out of my car to voice my anger but i chose not
it would have been a waste of time...
i was convinced i would find better parking...
it took awhile but the next vacant spot ended up being the best one...
it was the one in front of the store i wanted.


Lead us Abba Father

it concerns me to see that...people...
are unemployed because of economy's downturn,
suffer because of injustice,
lead others astray,
are indifferent to pain
do not know who He is!

when we will all learn?
to forgive
to repent
to pray
to trust
to wait!

our Father in Heaven,
we are people who have gone astray
we come before you in repentance
we ask for your forgiveness
we need your healing
we need you in our lives!


a song i'm now in love with...




ready for 2009?

first day of this year's last month.
for some reason, i'm really looking forward to the new year =)
i'm thrilled to take on 3 races (10k sun run, 1/2 bmo marathon in may, and another 1/2 marathon in june)...and to attend a musical i've always hoped to go..."les misérables" will be in vancouver from april to may.
am waiting with great anticipation.
looking fwd to re-read the book in french (this time voluntarily and not as part of course requirement)... yes, i know the story but have given back the details of the book to my french prof. aiya.. should have been more attentive in class.

just finished a 3-year race *haha...*

it is 2:30 am...can't fall asleep... not sure of why...
maybe it's because i drank too many cups of tea during meal at restaurant
or perhaps i'm simply too excited - rejoice that i just finished penning my last assignment.
yup! my last assignment as part of the Christian studies program i started way back in July 2005.
haha... glad to be able to finish this journey =)