

雖然教小朋友真啲需要很多精神但係每當我看見他和她慢慢了解我想他們明白啲導理...一切都是值得! 今天教了他們關於誠實啲重要性。 真的希望他們能夠成為一群不說謊!


vancouver 2010 winter games

the just over 17-days (better known to me as Canada's games given the nature of my work) has left its footprints within each of our hearts in one way or another...it may have been the "high-fives"/hugs from strangers, the winning moments, or simply those smiles from the young and old which transcend any language barriers.

as for me, games days equate a much longer period yet "played" at much higher speed [// to a time-lapse in the editing world]. as i now take time to rewind and reflect on my olympic moments i come to realize the many engraved in my heart. =)

time is now for me to regain a new rhythm before i embark on a next journey which is about to begin shortly!