
is the broadcast/media relations world - my world?

(photo of me at Olympic oval in Calgary shooting speed skating competition - hard for you to realize how cold Calgary was - hence 5 layers of clothes at all time)

nature of my work has changed so much in the last several months...
i'm involved in a wide spectrum of projects related to vancouver 2010 games time but in short all my work revolves around broadcasting (working with producers/crews) and media relations (dealing with people from all facets).

it's been several months since role change and while i'm continuing to learn as much as i can in this ever changing environment, i sometimes wonder if this is something i would want to do for long-term. i like the challenges require in the production of our shoots, i enjoy working with the many people i do; i am told by my co-workers and boss that i fit in naturally; i'm driven by the end results i see (what an excitement it was when i recognized all the footage i earnestly edited in the post-production house being broadcasted at torch celebration sites across the country) - the question which remains is if i can sustain the energy and long-hours required to perform at my current capacity. maybe i am just ahead of myself and overanalyzing. maybe it is better just to take one day at a time...

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