
don't give up...

was at post-production house this afternoon to complete voice-over of footages we’ve shot lately. my task was simple: read text so that the recorded pieces can be made into french narrated clips. i should have been better prepared for this and not just do a cold read in the studio as i kept stumbling upon one paragraph. i did fine on the others but just couldn’t nail this one. there i was re-narrating about the accomplishment of Sarubbi Caitlin – that despite being born with a rare syndrome (only 7 cases in the world) and after 57 surgeries, this Paralympian master her way down the slope. to be honest i’ve almost reach a high point of frustration – not at the long script but at myself (really...come on get it done so that i can move on to my other tasks). but then as I’ve began my “x” attempts, the “essence” of what i was reading daunted on me… Sarubbi never gave up even when circumstances were against her . this thought of persistence helped me regroup and finally helped me make the cut! yes – don’t rush and don’t give up - anxiety can work against what you're looking to accomplish. that written, now back to more work but with a grateful heart!

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